Why a blog?
Blogging allows you team up with other bloggers who have an established audience, which is great way to attract new readers and leads
Stats: 77% of internet users read blogs
Blogging creates long-term relationships, which promotes repeat visits and word-of-mouth referrals.
Stats: An average 500+ million people view a blog every month
A blog can explode your online presence
  • 58% of business bloggers say they are better known in their industry because of their blog
  • 22% of fortune 500 companies have a public blog
  • 25% of marketers report their company blog is critical to their business
  • 71% of business bloggers report that they have increased their visibility within their industries through their blogs
Reasons to start a blog
  • Meet new people
  • Become a mentor and help people
  • Blogging is fun + happiness
  • Polishes creativity
  • Learn new skills
  • More profitable opportunities
  • Makes you organized
  • Blogging is free (affordable)
  • No need of educational degree
  • Makes you challenging
  • Boosts your confidence level
  • Make money through blogging
  • Become an online expert
  • Gets you freelance writing gigs
  • Develops amazing habits
  • Start your own tribe
  • Tell your story with public
  • Be your own boss
How blogs make money?
Attract visitors with free content
Offer a freebie in exchange for their email address
Build trust by providing a steady stream of useful content
Offer a product or service that will genuinely help them
Initial Step Guide:
Getting Started
  • Choose preferred blogging platform
  • Pick a logo for your site – you want your readers to think your brand is legit.
Niche Selection
  • Pick a niche that people are passionate about and spend money in.
  • Or, pick a niche which includes products that are necessities for everyone, like a microwave.
  • Write a handful of posts before launch
  • Set up your blog and publish your posts
  • Establish a consistent posting schedule
  • Promote your blog on social media
Keyword Research
  • Focus on low competition keywords only
  • Low competition is ideal, but don’t be afraid of higher authority sites; they can be beaten with the right back links.
  • Write today, monetize tomorrow
  • First generate traffic then monetize
  • Monetize your blog with advertising
  • Monetize your blog with partnerships
  • Do you ever want to start your own profitable blog but don't know how?
  • Do you want to do blogging for profit?
  • Are you a newbie blogger and don't know how to start?
  • Do you want to learn how to promote your blog?
  • Do you want to know about monetization of a blog for online income?
The complete guide to blog at any age - The road map to financial freedom! and to create your own destiny!
Methods for earning Money from Blogging
#1 Continuity Programs
  • Communities
  • Premium Content
  • Coaching
#2 Advertising
  • Ad networks
  • Sponsorship's
  • Text Links
#3 Services
  • Freelancing
  • Coaching
  • Consulting
  • Events
  • Design
#4 Flipping Blogs


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